There are 8 Primary Schools in Northern Suburbs
8 results
Local Koondoola school catering to children with disabilities and offering specialist special needs programs, from Kindergarten to Year 12.
East Wanneroo Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for approximately 400 students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Co-educational Christian K-12 school established in 1982 with two separate campuses for primary school and secondary school.
Government co-educational multicultural primary school located in the centre of the suburb Girrawheen, caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Co-educational public school for Kindergarten to Year 6, known as one of the most culturally diverse schools in the state and offers Intensive English Programs for migrant children.
Catholic co-educational primary school, comprising of approx. 490 students from 3-year old Kindergarten to Year 6, serving the Parish Community of St Anthony of Padua.
St James' Anglican School is a co-educational independent day school of the Anglican Schools Commission (Inc.), catering for Kindergarten to Year 11 students.
Wanneroo Primary, which was founded in 1899, caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.