
The Confessional - We forgive you!

Events May 10 The Regal Theatre

474 Hay St, Subiaco, WA 6008
08 9388 2066


Is there something on your mind that you need to share? Buy tickets to The Confessional and be forgiven!

Best weekly comedy winner (Perth Fringe 2022) makes its Perth Comedy Festiva; debut!. They've heard it all, from accidentally murdered peacocks to making love to their best friends Mum. How does it work?

Anonymously write down your deepest confession and put it in the confession box Daniel and Cameron read them out. Repent with a tim tam and a shot of goon then the hosts count 1,2,3 and the audience collectively shouts, WE FORGIVE YOU! Then you can let it go!

  • *'Cam and Delby are the epitome of a dynamic duo, for a show that is pure improv and riffing off each other there was never a dull moment. The chemistry the two of them have is immaculate and they interact with the audience so well, will definitely be seeing this again! - 10/10' ***½ - (FringeFeed.com.au).


Event date: May 10

Ticket Price Information: General Admission 18+ $36.75

Time(s): 9:30pm

Event Venue: The Regal Theatre

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

Performing arts: Comedy

Event Company: Perth Comedy Festival


The Regal Theatre
474 Hay St, Subiaco, WA 6008

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