
Stewart Island Experience


21 Foreshore Rd, Bluff, SI 9814
+64 3-219 0034


Stewart Island, also known as Rakiura, is New Zealand's third-largest island, located 30 kilometers south of the South Island, across the Foveaux Strait. It is a roughly triangular island with a total land area of 1,746 km. Its 164-kilometer coastline is deeply creased by Paterson Inlet (east), Port Pegasus (south), and Mason Bay (west) 1. The island's terrain is hilly, and like most of New Zealand, it has an oceanic climate. The north is dominated by the swampy valley of the Freshwater River, w


Tours: Air tours, Helicopter tours, Island

Suited For: Wheelchairs


21 Foreshore Rd, Bluff, SI 9814

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