
Saving Private Ryan

Events Feb 15 Como Theatre

16 Preston St, Como, WA 6152


Experience the gripping intensity of Saving Private Ryan on the big screen at the Como Theatre with a special 35mm screening.

Directed by Steven Spielberg, this critically acclaimed war epic brings the harrowing realities of World War II to life through stunning visuals and powerful storytelling. Join us as we follow Captain Miller and his squad on a perilous mission to rescue a paratrooper behind enemy lines. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness a cinematic masterpiece that redefined the war film genre in its original format. Join us for an unforgettable evening of bravery, sacrifice, and camaraderie.

Rating: MA15+


Event date: Feb 15

Ticket Price Information: From $17.50 to $20

Time(s): 6.30pm

Event Venue: Como Theatre

Films: Films

Event Company: The Revival House Perth


Como Theatre
16 Preston St, Como, WA 6152

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