
Pingrup Silo Art

Tourist attractions Public art

Pingrup Silo Trail, Pingrup, WA 6343


Miami artist Evoca1’s 25 metre high artwork, painted on giant grain storage silos in the Great Southern farming town of Pingrup is a tip of the hat to WA’s tenacious, resourceful farming communities.

A scene drawing threads from the fabric of everyday life in Pingrup, Evoca1’s figurative depictions of the town’s iconic Pingrup races, its Merino sheep, its people, cattle dogs and even a tractor based precisely on one found on the main street of town, all tell a story about the character of the community.

Evoca1 for the PUBLIC Silo Trail, Pingrup, 2018. Photograph by Bewley Shaylor
The artist took 15 days and 230 litres of paint to create the mural, which entailed a series of artworks on three individual silos, each 25 metres high and 15 metres wide. Working with rollers and brushes atop a boom lift from dawn to dusk, Evoca1 battled high winds and several days of rain.

“Creating an artwork for a community that reflects that community, so that they really connect with the artwork is really rewarding for me,” Evoca1 said.


Art galleries: Public art


Pingrup Silo Trail, Pingrup, WA 6343

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Pingrup Silo Art - Localista

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