
Pelican Rouge

Homes Suppliers & Retailers

5 Squires Way, Croydon South, VIC 3136
03 8761 6697


Importers and distributors of the world’s finest coffees and equipment

Pelican Rouge Australia is the exclusive national stockist of coffee machine brands such as Expobar, Wendougee, Dr Coffee, Kalorm, Fiorenzato and many more. We have been involved in the local coffee industry for over 21 years and this experience gives us the ability to establish the best machine to suit your environment, be that any from large office to your own home!

Of course any premium machine deserves high grade coffee beans which we have a large selection on offer.


Commercial: Accessories

Commercial Suppliers and Retailers Type: Commercial Supplier


5 Squires Way, Croydon South, VIC, 3136
5 Squires Way, Croydon South, VIC 3136

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