
Logan's Run | Rooftop Movies (expired event)

Events Mar 11 Rooftop Movies

68 Roe St, Perth, WA 6000


Don't miss out on the screening of the action/sci-fi film, Logan's Run at the Rooftop Movies!

Escape from our modern dystopia with a slick and sexy 70s one! Throw some Farrah Fawcett hair flicks, mini dresses and pew-pew laser guns into a dystopian science fiction movie, and you end up with a fabulously dated yet weirdy timeless gem.

Don't miss out on an action-filled night of Logan's Run at the Rooftop Movies!


Event date: Mar 11

Ticket Price Information: From $16 to $30

Time(s): 7:30pm

Event Venue: Rooftop Movies

Accessibility: Wheelchair access

Ticket on-sale date: 12 Feb 2025

Films: Outdoor movies


Rooftop Movies
68 Roe St, Perth, WA 6000

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