
Jake Howie Burns Bridges Live on Stage!

Events May 17 The Regal Theatre

474 Hay St, Subiaco, WA 6008
08 9388 2066


Jake Howie has spent his life as a yes man. A doormat. A people pleaser.

And at 40 – he's done. He's ready to air his grievances by doing the things he shoud've done, saying the things he should've said and burning the bridges he should've burnt.

This show is Kill Bill, but his tounge is the machete. Taken, if Liam Neeson were gay and it's self-respect that went missing. Basic Instinct with jokes, but still without knickers... (a promise)

Join this award-winning comedian as spills the tea by unleashing the rage within, decade by decade. From his teen years being kind to crazy Christians to smiling politely through disastrous dates in his 20s to apologising to corporate bullies in his 30s, Jake is no longer trying to make nice. And no one is safe.

  • 'Jake is 10 comedians in one man!'- Sara Pascoe
  • 'Jake Howie is the business!' - MSN.com
  • 'A truly engaging presence.' - Chortle (UK)
  • 4 Stars - TheUpComing


Event date: May 17

Performers: Jake Howie

Ticket Price Information: Adult $30.00. Concession $25.00

Time(s): 8:15pm

Event Venue: The Regal Theatre

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

Performing arts: Comedy

Event Company: Perth Comedy Festival


The Regal Theatre
474 Hay St, Subiaco, WA 6008

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