
Diggermate Mini Excavator Hire Kilmore

Business directory Handyman, Other Construction Gardeners, Other, Plumbers

40 Mooneys Rd, Willowmavin, VIC 3764
+61439 721 061


Servicing the surrounding locations of Beveridge, Seymour, Wallan, Broadford, and Lancefield.

Diggermate Mini Excavator Hire Kilmore is at 40 Mooneys Road just off Willowmavin Road Kilmore. Pick up at 6:30 am and drop off at 6:30 pm unless arranged otherwise.

Meet Your Local Business Owners Meet Glen and his wife Leah — your local Diggermate Mini Excavator Hire Kilmore operators. Having worked as a cabinet maker for almost a decade, Glen wanted a fresh start and took a leap of faith — starting his own business. He ventured into the world of landscaping and property maintenance by buying his first dingo and using it for wet hire jobs. Now, seven years later, he is on his second dingo and still making landscaping dreams come true.


Domestic services: Handyman, Other

Business & Industry: Construction

Trades: Gardeners, Other, Plumbers


40 Mooneys Rd
40 Mooneys Rd, Willowmavin, VIC 3764

Diggermate Mini Excavator Hire Kilmore is at 40 Mooneys Road just off Willowmavin Road Kilmore. Pick up at 6:30 am and drop off at 6:30 pm unless arranged otherwise.

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