
Diggermate Mini Excavator Hire Burpengary

Business directory Handyman, Other Construction Gardeners, Other, Plumbers

22 Osborne Dr, Burpengary, QLD 4505
+61437 296 103


Servicing the surrounding locations of Caboolture, Morayfield, Bribie Island, and Dayboro.

When you arrive at the location, use the gate on the right with the sign and contact Josh, who will come to assist you in hooking up your trailer. You can park on the nature strip when dropping off your hire and there’s no need to reverse the trailer because we will do that for you.

Early pick-up is at 6:30 am unless another time is arranged.

Meet Your Local Business Owners Your Diggermate Mini Excavator Hire Burpengary business owner is Josh, who has wide work experience in the retail to waste industries, having held management roles. He’s originally from Central Victoria but moved to Burpengary with his partner and their two young children to live a more outdoor lifestyle.

Josh’s skills and qualities make him a dependable operator who is always willing to assist you with any Diggermate projects.


Domestic services: Handyman, Other

Business & Industry: Construction

Trades: Gardeners, Other, Plumbers


22 Osborne Dr
22 Osborne Dr, Burpengary, QLD 4505

When you arrive at the location, use the gate on the right with the sign and contact Josh, who will come to assist you in hooking up your trailer. You can park on the nature strip when dropping off your hire and there’s no need to reverse the trailer because we will do that for you. Early pick-up is at 6:30 am unless another time is arranged.

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