
Boom Gallery

Tourist attractions Art jewellery, Ceramics, Art galleries

11 Rutland St, Newtown, VIC 3220
+61 419 410 252


Boom is a vibrant and active contemporary art and design gallery. They feature the work of emerging and established artists, designers and creators. Launched in 2011 by Ren Inei and Kate Jacoby, Boom showcases original art and design from local, international and international artists, designers and creators. Boom continues to grow and evolve both physically and conceptually, contributing to the cultural fabric of Geelong. Geelong, the old industrial city by the bay, was named Australia's D


Art galleries: Art jewellery, Ceramics, Art galleries

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


11 Rutland St, Newtown, VIC 3220

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