
Bassendean Railway Museum

Tourist attractions Local history Railway Stations

136 Railway Parade, Bassendean, Western Australia, Bassendean, WA
08 9279 7189


The Railway Museum at Bassendean, Perth Western Australia is Western Australia's premier museum devoted to railway history.

The collection is highly significant as it is the only such one in Western Australia that aims to tell the story of all railways across the state. Other collections focus on one aspect or a region.

The majority of the collection is from the Western Australian Government Railways. There are also items representative of the extensive timber lines and gold mines that operated in the state as well as the private lines such as the Midland Railway Company.

The collection spans the whole spectrum of railway history. From Katie which was placed in service in 1881 when the Fremantle to Guildford Railway was built through to more modern diesel locomotives. Therefore whether you are interested is the heavy freight V class steam locomotives or the tiny 20 inch gauge mine locomotive 'Freudie' there is something to interest you at the museum. Four different railway gauges are exhibited.
Special events and visiting stalls are a feature of the annual "Railfest" day, usually in October - see the museum calendar.

Various passenger carriages and freight wagons that formed an integral part of the railway scene can also be appreciated. A number of these date back to the 19th century. The 1947 "Australind" buffet car is loved by children when hired for their own private birthday party.

The exhibition building houses an extensive collection of railway artefacts and photographs telling the story of railways in Western Australia. 

Ticket Information:

Adults $9 | Concession $7 | Children (4 - 14 years) $4 | Children under 4 Free


Museums: Local history

Historical sites: Railway Stations

Open Days: Wednesday, Sunday


136 Railway Parade, Bassendean, Western Australia, Bassendean, WA

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